Strategic Deworming
Strategic Deworming involves determining a Faecal Egg Count (FEC) by counting the number of parasite eggs, and using that number, along with the specific identification of which types of parasites are present, to strategically select an appropriate dewormer. Only a small number of horses need deworming on a regular basis, by identifying the horses that need deworming we can treat them appropriately and reduce resistance to worming medications. The goal is not to eradicate the worms – but to reduce the number that certain horses carry, and treat appropriately when needed.

Ideally horses should have a FEC performed every 4 months, with appropriate worming if needed. We recommend that horses are wormed regardless of their FEC twice a year, usually with moxidectin. Those that have a high FEC should be wormed more regularly, according to their FEC.
If a horse is showing overt symptoms of intestinal parasitic disease, perform a FEC and discuss a deworming protocol with your veterinarian.
Collect a sample for a Faecal Egg Count
Collecting a sample is easy!
A Faecal Egg Count requires 1-2 fresh faecal balls per horse. If possible, try to collect from the centre of a manure pile so they are not dried out or covered in bedding, sand, or dirt. Place into a clean zip-lock bag and label with your first and last name, horse’s name, and date of collection. Keep the sample in the fridge or in a cooler with ice packs until it gets to us.